Art Competition – Draw your own Saint!  

CPSMA Comórtas Ealaíne 2024

Celebrate your special Saint

Art Competition

Every year the CPSMA organise and art competition, Comórtas Ealaíne celebrating your special saint.  The invitation is for each student to draw, stick, glue, colour or paint your local saint, a scene from their lives, a portrait… or whatever you can imagine.


In Killaloe we have such an amazing array of amazing saints…


Senan of Scattery ; Flannan of Killaloe; Lua of Kyle;

Brendan of Birr ; Imy of Killimer ; Caimin of Holy Island

Tola of Dysart ; Finnachta of Sixmilebridge; Cúmin of Shinrone

Máile of Kilmaley; Iníon Buí of Kilnaboy; Odhran of Latteragh

Lughna of Kinnitty; Conaire of Rineanna; Mochualla of Tulla

Finín of Quin; Cronan of Roscrea & Crusheen; Colman of Coolderry

Rudhan of Lorrha; Brecan of Doora; Luctighern of Fenloe

Columba & Conall of Drumcliffe ; Kieran of Modereny,

Lught & Augh of Terryglass; Céide of Tubber;  Bláthmac of Ráth;

Conlan of Nenagh; Kee of Kilkee; Leachtín Naofa of Miltown Malbay.


And no doubt there are more still!!!


So why not get drawing, painting, cutting, sticking, pasting and generally having fun being creative about a local saint on a big A3 Page.  The deadline for the competition has been extended to Wednesday April 10th.


This year our neighbours in Kildare and Leighlin have had a massive entry as they are celebrating 1,500 years of St. Brigid.  However, we in Killaloe can’t let the Kildare crew win and beat us without a good battle.  Let’s make a mighty effort to be the best.  All saints of Killaloe, pray for us in all our efforts!!!