Christmas Miscellany – Gathered as One  

Welcome to the Killaloe Diocesan Carol Service for Advent and Christmas 2020, Catholic and Church of Ireland.
It will go live on a link below at 7.00 pm on Sunday 20th of December

Click on the blue link below to view and enjoy!

Christmas Miscellany

This Sunday will see a celebration of music, prayers, readings and blessings from a variety of churches from the Catholic Diocese of Killaloe and the Church of Ireland Diocese of Limerick and Killaloe. It is a major ecumenical collaboration called ‘Christmas Miscellany’ and we hope the forerunner of other such creative and spiritual endeavours in the future.

It is particularly heartwarming that, in the face of Covid 19, it has been the instinct of churches from our two dioceses to work together and bond over this programme of music and spirituality – to come together and celebrate what we share and love and value.

Bishop Fintan and Bishop Kenneth light the Advent Wreath candles together and give prayers and a joint blessing.

It will ‘go live’ this Sunday at 7.00pm on our parish website also on our YouTube channel and will have links provided from our Facebook page. In addition, links will be provided from both Diocesan websites and various other parish websites as well.

Please do watch the programme if you can – please note that it will stay on YouTube if you can’t catch it ‘live’.