Clare Person of the Year 2017  

Caitriona Lucas – A Vicarious Life


It is an honour, joy and privilege for me to join with you all tonight at this special gathering as the Clare People Association bestows a special honour of Clare Person of the Year on a most extraordinary woman, Caitriona Lucas.



A number of years ago when studying in College, I remember being interested in a particular word that caught my attention.  The word was Vicarious.  I did not know what it meant but set about finding out.


Jesus – A Vicarious Life

It was given in the context of what Jesus Christ did for us.  He was born into this world.  Lived. Loved.  Died. Rose from the dead.  He won redemption for us.  His life was generously given on our behalf for our salvation.  The life of Jesus was vicarious.  What he did was done as a gift for us.  He died so that we could live.


A Heroic Life

The heroism of Caitriona Lucas, the lady that the Clare Association remember, honour and commemorate tonight was vicarious.  Her unselfish act of sacrificial giving was done in order to try to rescue and find someone else.  It was most extraordinary, almost beyond belief in generosity and love and giving.


A beacon of Light

In our world in which so many are entrapped in a selfish world of individualism and “mé-féinism” – the Vicariousness of Caitriona Lucas stands out like a beacon of light and calm in the dark sea on a stormy night.


She Continues to Inspire Me

There was an article in The Irish Times on Tuesday, November 1st, 2016.  November the first, as you may be aware is the feast of all saints.  The title of that article was simply “She continues to inspire me”.  The words of Bernard, Caitriona’s husband.  “Caitríona loved this life, I love it. It’s what we do. It’s what I still do. There’s nothing better you can do, to help the community, to give something back.”


Vicariousness Defined

Give something back.  Love life. It’s what we do.  Vicarious.  What a brilliant way to sum up and explain that word that intrigued me in my theology days a number of years ago.  Vicarious.


May we all continue to be inspired!

Tonight, I am privileged and honored to be in the presence of the family (Bernard, Emma and Ben) and many friends of someone who lived and died a vicarious life. May her bright example continue to inspire and encourage us all to reach beyond ourselves to live and love life and do things not just for ourselves but for others as well.