Conversations about the Future – Killaloe Diocese  

Conversations about the Future – Killaloe Diocese

The Killaloe Diocese has begun a process of reflection and conversation about the future shape of the Church in our Diocese and what structures are appropriate into the future.  Recently, two meetings were held, one for the Pastoral Council members at the western side of the Diocese, the second held on February 19th in Nenagh for Pastoral Councils in the Tipperary/Offaly/Laois side of the Diocese.

You can listen to Bishop Fintan’s introduction to the meetings which sets out the present context and the challenges we face.

Bishop Fintan’s talk is here:

Click on the link below for a Transcript of Bishop Fintan’s talk.

Bishop Fintan Monahan – Opening Address for Conversations about the future

Two inputs were offered at the two meetings, reflecting two approaches to parish and diocesan structures for the future.

  1. Fr Ger Godley, Director of Pastoral Development in the Kerry Diocese gave an input on the approach they are using in the Kerry Diocese and how they envisage an expanded development of the Pastoral Areas across the diocese offering a way forward for them:

Fr Ger’s talk is here:

Fr, Ger Godley

Click on the link below for a transcript of Fr. Ger’s input

Transcript of Fr Ger Godleys’ Presentation to the Killaloe Diocese 2023

  1. Fr Albert Mc Donnell from our own Killaloe Diocese offered a second reflection on the challenges we face and on what structures for the future will help us meet those challenges, including a proposal for the amalgamation of parishes.  You can listen to his proposal for the future here:

Fr. Albert’s talk is here:

Fr. Albert McDonnell

Click on the link below for a transcript of Fr. Albert’s talk

Transcript of Fr Albert Mc Donnell Presentation on Conversations About the Future

A total of fifteen follow up evenings will be held in each pastoral area.


Conversations about the Future February/March 2023 

All at 7.30 pm except when otherwise stated

Date Pastoral Area Venue
Monday 27th Inis Cealtra Tuamgraney
Tuesday 28th Abbey Ennis Parish Centre
Wednesday 1st Radharc na nOiléan Kildysert, Community Centre
Thursday 2nd Brendan TBC
Thursday 9th Inis Cathaigh TBC
Tuesday 21st Tradaree Inn at Dromoland
Tuesday 14th Cronan TBC
Wednesday 15th Imeall Bóirne TBC
Monday 20th Odhrán Abbey Court Hotel, Nenagh
Wednesday 22nd Críocha Callan TBC
Thursday 23rd Ceantar na Lochanna TBC
Monday 27th Cois Fharraige TBC
Tuesday 28th Ollatrim Obama Plaza
Wednesday 29th Scáth na Sionnaine TBC
Thursday 30th Cois Deirge (8.00 pm) Borrisokane Community Centre
