Dangers of Social Media – Challenges for those working with Children  

The Diocese of Killaloe are holding evening workshops on “The Dangers of Social Media – Challenges For Those Working With Children”.  The facilitator will be Dr Maureen Griffin who has great expertise in this area. The dates are Tuesday 18th September 2018, in the Oakwood Arms , Shannon, Co. Clare  7:00 pm to 9:30 pm and Thursday 4th October 2018 in the County Arms Hotel, Moorpark, Birr, Co. Offaly. 7.00pm to 9.30pm.   Tea/Coffee/Scones will be available from 6:30 pm.

You can attend either workshop but please confirm what venue you are attending on the booking form.

We are offering places to all primary schools in the Diocese and it is open to Teachers, SNA’s, Board Members, School Secretaries, Parents Association Members or any interested adults. The cost of the evening will be €10.

If your school community is interested, please complete the attached booking form. You may also confirm by email to office@killaloediocese.ie


Kind regards

Cleo Yates

Director of Safeguarding for Diocese of Killaloe