Dare to Hope – A Centenary of Work – Religious Sisters

Daring to Hope – A Photographic Exhibition – Commemorating the Work of Women Religious

Kilrush – Saturday 12th of July, 2024

Today, we commemorate in this Photographic Exhibition, Daring to Hope a remarkable group within our Church — the women religious sisters in Ireland and internationally over the past century.

The late Pope Benedict often made the point that the reason the Church existed was to:

  • Worship God
  • Serve the Poor
  • Evangelise

With that on mind the construction of:

  • Churches
  • Hospitals
  • Schools

was very much part of the work and mission of the Church.

Few in the Church understood and carried out this mission better than the Religious Sisters.

The sisters worked to build schools and hospitals, developed social services in response to social change and urgent need.  In these photographs this exhibition gives a great insight into the poverty, war and injustice the sisters faced.

These are women who have devoted their lives entirely to God, living out their faith with profound dedication and love. Their presence in the Church is a testament to the strength, resilience, and nurturing spirit that is deeply rooted in our faith.

Women religious have been at the forefront of service, embodying Christ’s call to love and serve one another. Whether through teaching, healing, or caring for the marginalized, they are the hands and feet of Jesus in our world. Their ministries touch lives in ways that often go unnoticed, yet the impact is immeasurable.

  • Consider the quiet, tireless work of a sister in a remote village, providing education to children who otherwise would have none.
  • Think of the nun comforting the sick in a hospital, offering not just medical care but also a gentle touch and a kind word.
  • Reflect on the sisters advocating for justice, standing alongside the oppressed, and working tirelessly to bring about a more just and compassionate society.

Rooted in deep Relationship with God

Their lives are marked by a profound sense of joy and peace, rooted in their intimate relationship with God. This joy is not the absence of challenges but a testament to their faith and trust in God’s providence. In a world that often values power and material wealth, the women religious remind us of the beauty of a life lived in simplicity and service.

Spiritual and intellectual Tradition

Let us also remember the rich tradition of wisdom and scholarship among women religious. From St. Teresa of Ávila to contemporary theologians and educators, their contributions to the intellectual and spiritual life of the Church are invaluable. They challenge us to grow deeper in our faith and understanding, calling us to a more profound encounter with God.

In praising women religious, we honour not only their sacrifices and achievements but also the inspiration they provide to us all. They are living witnesses to the Gospel, showing us that a life dedicated to God and others is a life of true fulfilment and joy.

As we go forth today, let us carry with us the example of these extraordinary women. May their lives inspire us to live more selflessly, love more deeply, and serve more faithfully. In honouring them, we honour the God they serve and the love that binds us all together as the body of Christ.
