Fr. Noel Kennedy, RIP  

Homily for Funeral Mass of Fr Noel Kennedy RIP

Clonakenny, Wednesday, October 26th, 12.00 noon

At the end of last week, the day that Fr. Noel became seriously ill and began his final journey to Limerick Hospital I was visiting Temple Cronan in Carron in North Clare in the Burren in region.  I was remarking there the faith links with the saint of this Pastoral Area, Cronan and his important role in the heritage and tradition of the diocese of Killaloe in quite a number of locations.

For almost 60 years Noel James Kennedy, a native of, Pallasbeg, Newtown, Nenagh in the parish of Burges and Youghal was a loyal and dedicated disciple of the traditions of Sts Cronan, Flannan and of course Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour in his priesthood.


We offer our sympathies and condolences on this funeral day the many who knew Fr. Noel, especially:

nieces Una (Merry), Freda (Kennedy),

nephews John Seymour, Philip and John Kennedy,

grandnieces, grandnephews,


outstanding neighbours,

many friends along with

fellow Clergy of the Killaloe Diocese.

We remember his parishioners from the many parishes he served:

Liverpool Archdiocese, Kilmurry McMahon, being based in Labasheeda. Templederry, living in Killeen, Dunkerrin Parish, living in Moneygall, and most especially the parish of Bournea, Clonakenny that he was so fond of and all the parishes in the Cronan Pastoral area.

We pray during this Mass for the happy repose of his soul.  We commend him to the infinite mercy of the God and pray that whatever failings he may have had due to human weakness will be forgiven.

Diligent, Serious, Traditional

Diligent, Serious and Traditional was the description of Fr. Noel that I got from someone who knew him all his priestly life.

Tipperary Hurling

He loved Tipperary Hurling as well was also an important point for the person I consulted, so at this point you can probably guess who that was!  I’m told he loved to dissect matches after the event and analyse where they were won of lost, what the turning points were and how it could have happened differently!

Back to those three pointers.


Fr. Noel had a great sense of duty and attended to the pastoral needs of the parish and parishioners to the nth degree.  Visiting the sick, schools, preparation for Mass, his world revolved around these key activities.  Even towards the end of his years while he often wasn’t really able – Fr. Noel would insist on turning up and faithfully celebrate Mass in the various Churches of the pastoral area, such was his diligence and commitment.

Loyal service was a phrase that we heard often during the recently deceased Queen Elizabeth’s funeral.  One could use the phrase over and over again about Fr. Noel also.


Fr. Noel took life and various situations very seriously, maybe a little too seriously, I believe occasionally.  Stubborn was a phrase another colleague used to sum up Noel.  That same colleague remarked that this was both his greatest asset and liability:

  • A great asset in that he was doggedly determined to keep going, no matter what transpired.
  • A liability in that he occasionally pushed himself beyond his limits and wouldn’t give in no matter how often others advised him to do so!

If things weren’t working out he could be quite cross or even a little grumpy or ‘nearrach’ to use the descriptive Connemara Gaeltacht phrase.  Nonetheless he had that marvellous knack of being able to verbalise that and at the same time not let it affect ones friendship with him.  I recall a few visits to him and it would start with a long litany of complaints about his health, the way life was going, the world itself, but having got that off his chest, he invariably switched into friendly, conversation mode and for the rest of the visit he would engage and converse with ease and great hospitality and warmth and an occasional good turn of humour.


Fr. Noel was very much of the old stock, traditional in his views and outlook.  He was good to his fellow priests and enjoyed clerical company.  He was loyal to the traditions of priesthood, prayer, pastoral service, always neat, dapper, clerically dressed.  The traditions of the Church in the best possible sense were important to him and he was loyal to them to the end.

Canon Kennedy

Fr. Noel was very proud of his link as a nephew of the famous Canon Kennedy who was an important figure in the history of St. Flannan’s College and the diocese of Killaloe.

Family and Friends

Family was so important to Fr. Noel and he had such great time for all this relatives who were so good to him and looked after him so well.  He will be sadly missed by them and all who knew him in all walks of his long and good life.

The last few years were not easy for Fr. Noel with declining mobility, constant back pain and a number of other ailments.  Losing his independence did not come easy to him, but he took on board the advice of St. Paul and kept on fighting right to the end of the race.

May he be rewarded for that and all the good that he did and enjoy the peace and light of heaven in the company of the Good Shepherd of the Gospel of the day.

Ar dheis lámh Dé go raibh a anam uasal dílis.



Obituary details for Fr. Noel Kennedy

Noel James Kennedy was a native of the parish of Burgess and Youghal, born in Pallasbeg, Newtown, Co. Tipperary on 30th Dec 1934.

He undertook studies for the priesthood in St. Patrick’s College, Carlow from 1951 to 1958. He was ordained to the priesthood on the 7th of June 1958. From 1958 to 1965 he served in the Archdiocese of Liverpool. In Oct 1965 he was appointed curate in Kilmurry McMahon parish residing in Labasheeda. In July 1975 he was appointed curate in Templederry parish residing in Killeen. In July 1987 he as appointed curate in Moneygall. In October 1990 he was appointed parish priest of Bournea. In 2010 upon reaching the age of retirement he became Assistant Priest in the Cronan Pastoral Area continuing to reside in Clonakenny.

He died in University Hospital Limerick on the 22nd October 2022.

May He Rest in Peace.


Fr. Noel Kennedy, P.E., Cronan Pastoral Area

 Noel James Kennedy was a native of the parish of Burgess and Youghal, born in Pallasbeg, Newtown, Co. Tipperary on 30th Dec 1934.

He undertook studies for the priesthood in St. Patrick’s College, Carlow from 1951 to 1958. He was ordained to the priesthood on the 7th of  June 1958. From 1958 to 1965 he served in the Archdiocese of Liverpool. In Oct 1965 he was appointed curate in Kilmurry McMahon parish residing in Labasheeda. In July 1975 he was appointed curate in Templederry parish residing in Killeen. In July 1987 he as appointed curate in Moneygall. In October 1990 he was appointed parish priest of Bournea. In 2010 upon reaching the age of retirement he became Assistant Priest in the Cronan Pastoral Area continuing to reside in Clonakenny.


He died in University Hospital Limerick on the 22nd October 2022.   


May He Rest in Peace.


Funeral Arrangements Later: