Hearing, happening, hoping – Praying during Lent  

Lenten resources for prayer, reflection, meditation and contemplation for the season of Lent in Killaloe diocese!

Hearing Happening Hoping 2019

A resource to help us reflect on the Sunday Gospels Lent


Turn our hearts to you, O God.


These lovely words of a hymn sum up our prayer as Lent begins.  Nothing can help us more to turn our hearts towards God than listening to and reflecting on God’s Word, especially on the Sunday Lenten Gospels.


The HEARING HAPPENING HOPING resources below are offered to help us to take to heart God’s Word for each Sunday during Lent.  There is a one page resource for each Sunday and a Guide to this approach to help us to get started.  The Word of God is best shared in groups.


Why not gather with a few others around the kitchen table or in another quiet space of your choosing to spend some time with the Sunday text, using this approach?