Killaloe Diocesan Appointments 2021  

Killaloe Clergy Appointments Summer 2021


The diocesan appointments this year continue the steady trends of previous years with less and less priests available.  We now have well over one third of the 58 parishes of the diocese without a resident priest under the age of 75.  A number in the list his year and in previous years have opted to continue ministering beyond the retirement age of 75.  In a letter to parishes this Easter 2021 I asked a number of important questions:


  • What effect if any has the global pandemic had on my faith?
  • Am I willing to reengage with the faith community in post-pandemic times?
  • What is needed to help the process of evangelisation and the preaching of the Gospel?
  • How can we reach out to people on the margins and those who are most vulnerable?
  • How can we continue to function with fewer and fewer priests available and diminishing resources?
  • What needs to change?
  • Can we continue to maintain the number of Churches we have?
  • How are we going to resource the Church of the future?


I thank the many individuals and groups that have responded so honestly and creatively to these questions.


One of the great signs of hope in the diocese at present is the coming on-stream this year of 25 lay people trained in the area of Pastoral Care and Catechetics.  I look forward to working collaboratively with them in the pastoral areas of the diocese.


The upcoming international synod and synodal path of the Irish Church in the coming years will be a great opportunity to have many conversations to further address the important questions highlighted.


I thank everyone who work so hard in promoting and celebrating the faith in our diocese.


May our Patron, St. Flannan intercede for us in the work of the Church in being a beacon of light bringing the hope-filled message of Jesus Christ to our present situation.


Pastoral Areas – Relaunch

The current pastoral areas and Co-PP system came into effect in 2018 following on from the previous cluster areas system that had been in place for some years.  Unfortunately, out of necessity, during the pandemic it was not possible for the intended rotation to happen as freely as possible.  The intention is to relaunch that system with the current appointments, details and helpful pointers attached with this list.



Appointments to take effect from Friday 6th of August, apart from where stated.


Fr Ger Nash, Diocesan Secretary, Director of Pastoral Planning has been appointed bishop-elect of Ferns by Pope Francis.  Ordination ceremony in Enniscorthy on September 5th, 2021.  Every good wish and blessing to him in his ministry.


Brendan Moloney, Co-PP, Odhrán Pastoral Area, resident in Silvermines to retire as Co-PP and VF but remaining in Odhrán Pastoral Area and Silvermines as AP.


John Bane, Co-PP, Ceantar na Lochanna Pastoral Area, resident in Broadford to retire to Ennis.


Joe Kennedy, Co-PP, Ollatrim Pastoral Area, resident in Moneygall, Dunkerrin Parish to retire as Co-PP and to remain on as AP.


Peter O’Loughlin, Co-PP, Inis Cathaigh Pastoral Area, resident in Kilmihil to retire as Co-PP and to remain on as AP.


Pat O’Neill, Co-PP, Imeall Bóirne Pastoral Area, resident in Ruan to retire as Co-PP but staying on as AP in Ruan and in Imeall Bóirne Pastoral Area.


Pat Gilbert, to retire from St Brendan’s Community College & to undertake a sabbatical with a view to returning to pastoral ministry in the diocese in 2022.


Des Hillery, Co-PP, VG to become VF of Odhrán Pastoral Area for a period of one year.  In addition to duties in Nenagh and the pastoral area to take on parish responsibility for Portroe.


Rexon Chullickal, CC, Odhrán Pastoral Area, resident in Nenagh in addition to duties in Nenagh and the pastoral area to take on parish responsibility for Youghalarra.


Ger Jones, Co-PP, Odhrán Pastoral Area, resident in Portroe to be Diocesan Secretary and Co-PP, Abbey Pastoral Area and resident in Cloughleigh.


Damien Nolan, Co-PP, VF to be PP of the Imeall Bóirne Pastoral Area.


Martin Blake, Co PP, Críocha Callan Pastoral Area, resident in Kilmaley Parish to undertake a sabbatical with a view to returning to pastoral ministry in the diocese in 2022.


Tom Fitzpatrick, Co-PP, Tradaree Pastoral Area, Resident in Newmarket-on-Fergus to be Co-PP, Abbey Pastoral Area and resident in Doora-Barefield Parish. (Appointment to take effect from October 1st, 2021)


Michael Collins, Director of Formation, Maynooth to be Co-PP, Tradaree Pastoral Area, resident in Newmarket-on-Fergus and to be director of Pastoral Planning for the Diocese.  (Appointment to take effect from October 1st, 2021)


David Carroll, Co-PP, VF, Inis Cealtra Pastoral Area, resident in Bodyke to be Co-PP of the Abbey Pastoral Area, resident in St Joseph’s, Ennis.


John McGovern, Co-PP, Abbey Pastoral Area, resident in St. Joseph’s, Ennis to be Co-PP, Críocha Callan Pastoral Area, resident in Kilmaley Parish.


Joe McMahon, Co-PP, Inis Cealtra Pastoral Area, resident in Scarriff to be VF of the Inis Cealtra Pastoral Area.


Dariusz Plasek, Co-PP, Abbey Pastoral Area, resident in Ennis to be Co-PP, Inis Cealtra Pastoral Area and resident in Bodyke.


Pat Deely, Redwood, Lorrha, to assist in the Pastoral Area of Cois Deirge.


James Michael, Tradaree Pastoral Area, resident in Shannon to be CC, in the Pastoral Area of Tradaree, continuing to reside in Shannon.  Both James Michael and Francis Xavier Kochuveettil, along with duties in Shannon to assist in the pastoral area to give Michael Collins in Newmarket-on-Fergus scope for pastoral planning and to help also in Sixmilebridge.


As agreed restructuring of Cronan Pastoral Area to take place in 2022.


Appreciation of Hard Work and Dedication of Clergy


Sincere thanks to the clergy of the diocese for all the on-going hard work, commitment and dedication in following the call to follow the Gospel and to be true Pastors of Jesus Christ.  This past year has been a most difficult one with the pandemic restrictions and the clergy of the diocese have given outstanding service, despite the challenges involved.


Sincere thanks to the faithful of the various parishes and pastoral areas who have continued to support the clergy, pastorally, financially and with the necessary help and collaborative work in various ministries.




Congratulations to our silver, ruby, golden and diamond jubilarians and to all who celebrate anniversaries of ordination around this time.


Deceased Clergy


We remember the clergy who passed away to their eternal reward in recent months, Canon Pat Taaffe, Frs. Brendan Cleary, Joe Haugh, Paddy Culligan and John Donnelly.  May God grant them eternal rest.


New Ministries


At present 25 lay people, women and men have completed academic training in the areas of Catechetics and Pastoral Care.  This follows an introductory year and two years of academic formation.  They are due to graduate in Autumn.   They have a few more months of acquiring skills in the relevant pastoral areas starting in September 2021.  Commissioning and pastoral placement in parishes and pastoral areas to follow in Spring of 2022, DV.  I wish them continued blessings and good wishes and look forward to their commissioning to work in the diocese in the coming year.


Covid 19


Many thanks to the Covid Committees and the many volunteers who have worked so hard to ensure that our Churches and places of worship are as safe as possible during the past year and a half.  This important work is deeply appreciated.  We would not have been able to function without it.  God bless this essential and important on-going work.

