Killaloe Diocesan Office – Administration
The Administration of the Diocese is carried out in the Diocesan Office in Westbourne, Ennis. The office is responsible for the practical administrative tasks such as Financial reporting and Budgets, planning the Bishop’s schedule of appointments, dealing with all Diocesan property and advising parishes when requested on their administrative affairs.
The office is also responsible for the approval and direction of marriages abroad and marriages where one of the partners is not a Catholic.
The Diocesan Staff are Claire Thynne, Diocesan Administrator; Cathy Sheehan, Diocesan Finance Manager, Karen Cummins, Office Secretary, Brigid Keane Accounts Assistant and Fr Ger Jones, Diocesan Secretary. All matters relating to Primary Schools where Bishop Monahan is the Patron are handled by St. Senan’s Education Office.
Fr. Michael Collins Vicar for Mission and Ministry.
Brendan O’ Brien Post-Primary Diocesan Advisor
Michelle O’ Riordan Data Protection Officer
Deirdre Grogan Diocesan Nurse
Diocesan Administrative Staff
All Diocesan Administrative staff can be contacted on: +353 65 68 28638
The following are the e-mail addresses for each staff member:
Claire Thynne:
Cathy Sheehan:
Fr. Ger Jones:
Fr. Michael Collins:
Brigid Keane:
Michelle O’ Riordan:
Deirdre Grogan:
Brendan O’ Brien: