Support Services and Contacts  

For a comprehensive list of contact details of relevant statutory authorities for reporting allegations of abuse; go to Appendices and Glossary – APPENDIX D

Towards Healing

Towards Healing is a new counselling and support service for survivors of Institutional, Clerical and Religious abuse, funded by the Catholic Church. If you have suffered in this way, Towards Healing will provide services to you no matter where you are currently living.

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One in Four

One in Four professionally supports men and women who have experienced sexual violence, many of them during childhood. Our aim is to reduce the incidence of sexual abuse by intervening in key areas of the cycle of abuse. We do this through psychotherapy, advocacy and prevention services.

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The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland

The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland (NBSCCC) has three main aims;

  1. To offer advice on best practice in Safeguarding Children
  2. To assist in the development of Safeguarding policy, procedures and practice
  3. To monitor practice in relation to Safeguarding Children.

The Board has established a Memorandum of Understanding with all Church bodies, to enable the unfettered delivery of its functions.

The Board meets monthly and issues guidance and advice as appropriate. The Board develops annual objectives and produces a report each year on its work, and that of the National Office.

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Tusla Child and Family Agency

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An Garda Síochána Freephone

An Garda Síochána launched a dedicated phone line for the reporting of child sexual abuse on the 2/3/17.

The phone line number is 1800 555 222.

This confidential Freephone line will be manned on a 24 hour basis, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. This is a Freephone number meaning that there will be no cost to callers from calling this number.

An Garda Síochána encourages victims of child sexual abuse to report any such incident at the earliest opportunity including those incidents of an historical nature.

In conjunction with the launch of the phone line, An Garda Síochána has also published a guide on the options available to people wishing to report child sexual abuse and sexual crime. This guide is available on the Garda Síochána website