Download Resources

The Diocese has created specific download resources for Safeguarding Children. You are welcome to use these in your Parish. The Dioceses takes its guidance from the National Board for safeguarding children in the Catholic Church in Ireland ( add in link to their webpage ) we have personalised the resources to suit the needs of the Dioceses / parishes. The forms will be updated every 2 years, unless any new legislative changes require earlier updates.

Safeguarding Strategy and Plan 2023/2025
Download now (420 KB)
Safeguarding Communications Plan 2023-2025
Download now (350 KB)
Safeguarding Children Policy National Board 2016
Guidance on the use of CCTV and Webcams
Download now (91 KB)
Child Safeguarding Statement
Download now (366 KB)
Safeguarding Training Plan 2024
Download now (255 KB)
Safeguarding Roles and Responsibilities
Download now (197 KB)
Garda vetting Policy Update May 2021
Download now (340 KB)
Social Media Policy
Download now (375 KB)
Anti-bullying Policy
Download now (314 KB)
Communications Policy
Download now (391 KB)
Complaints Procedure
Download now (318 KB)
Download now (437 KB)
Mobile Phone Photography
Download now (385 KB)
Personal and Intimate Care Policy
Download now (351 KB)
Whistleblowing Policy
Download now (218 KB)
Adult Zoom Guidelines
Download now (118 KB)
Guidelines for Use of Social Media to Broadcast Mass and Prayers
Download now (98 KB)
Safeguarding Guidance for Church Stewards
Download now (141 KB)
Church Steward Volunteer Form
Download now (107 KB)
Adult Safeguarding Policy
Download now (439 KB)
Safeguarding Policy for Pilgrimages
Download now (482 KB)
Data Protection Notice
Download now (209 KB)
A Safe and Welcoming Church

Safeguarding Children Policy and Standards for the Catholic Church in Ireland 2024

Download now (397 KB)
Parish Safeguarding Rep. Information Sheet
Download now (178 KB)
Garda Vetting Invitation Form NVB1
Download now (391 KB)
Garda Vetting parent Consent Form NVB3
Download now (90 KB)
Recruitment and Selection Checklist
Download now (224 KB)
Alter Server Form Application/Consent form 4
Download now (350 KB)
Parent/Guardian Consent Form 2
Download now (243 KB)
Form 8 Volunteer Employee Confidentiality Agreement
Download now (59 KB)
Code of Behaviour for Staff and Volunteers
Download now (299 KB)
Code of Conduct for Young People
Download now (130 KB)
Youth Choir Guidance
Download now (203 KB)
Communicating with Young People
Download now (188 KB)
Child Protection Recording Form
Download now (206 KB)
General Complaints
Download now (157 KB)
Incident/Accident Report
Download now (66 KB)
Renting Leasing Parish Hall or Facilities
Download now (192 KB)
What Safeguarding Forms are needs for Children's Ministry
Download now (176 KB)
Online Communication Guidance
Download now (187 KB)
Over 18's Interactive Social Media Permission Form
Download now (83 KB)
Under 18's Interactive Social Media Permission Form
Download now (88 KB)
Who Needs to be Vetted May 2021
Download now (143 KB)
Draft Risk Assessment Children's Ministry
Download now (61 KB)
Draft Risk Assessment Altar Servers
Download now (60 KB)
Youth Ministry Leader Form and Code of Behavior
Download now (247 KB)
Youth Ministry Residential Risk Assessment Form
Download now (197 KB)
Residential Consent and Code of Behaviour
Download now (213 KB)
Activity Forms
Download now (148 KB)
Registration and Parental/ Guardian Consent Form
Download now (208 KB)
Youth Ministry Self Audit form 16
Download now (246 KB)
Garda Vetting Invitation Form NVB1
Download now (393 KB)
Garda Vetting Parent Consent Form NVB3
Download now (301 KB)
Technology Communication Permission Form
Download now (201 KB)
Child Protection Recording Form
Download now (206 KB)
Youth Ministry Form 14 Updated Version
Online Communication Guidance
Download now (187 KB)
Over 18's Interactive Social Media Permission Form
Download now (120 KB)
Under 18's Interactive Social Media Permission Form
Download now (127 KB)
Youth Guidelines for Zoom Meetings
Download now (111 KB)
TUSLA Child Protection and Welfare Reporting Form
Download now (89 KB)
Retrospective Abuse Report Form
Download now (62 KB)

Submit Question (Safeguarding)

We welcome questions and your feedback. Please feel free to submit a question about the killaloe Diocese website, Safeguarding section

  • * Please provide your email address if you wish us to reply to you