St Vincent de Paul Kilrush Celebration  

“Hearts of Gold: Celebrating Years of Dedication”

Celebrating over 100 years of combined service

toSt. Senan’s St. Vincent de Paul Society, Kilrush

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023


Today, we gather to celebrate two remarkable people who have graced this parish with their boundless compassion, unwavering dedication, and a heart that beats for service. For an amazing over 50 years, Mary O’Dea and Sarah Crotty have been the shining light of St. Senan’s St. Vincent De Paul Society, embodying the spirit of selflessness and love for our fellow human beings.

First Lady Member

A half-century ago the St. Vincent de Paul Society was an all-male preserve, but at the invitation of Fr. Pat Sexton who was curate here at the time, Mary broke that mould and became the first lady member, raising the flag for ‘Mná na hÉireann’!

Fr. Pat, obviously detected a heart of Gold, hungry with a spirit of service for those struggling to make ends meet.

Extraordinary Service

Mary and Sarah’s journey in that outreach of service has been nothing short of extraordinary. They have stood steadfast in the face of adversity, a true beacon of hope for those who needed it most. Through their tireless efforts, they have demonstrated that love knows no bounds, and kindness has the power to change lives.  In the countless hours spent in the service of others, Mary and Sarah have woven a tapestry of kindness, stitching together the threads of compassion and empathy to create a legacy that will forever be etched in our hearts.  They have embodied the commandment of Jesus in today’s Gospel to “love one another”.  They have so generously used what St. Paul describes in the reading today the gifts of the Spirit through their own human gifts and talents.

Their willingness to listen, to understand, and to offer a helping hand has been a source of comfort and strength to countless people in need.  They have to use the words of Isaiah in today’s first reading ‘lifted up and carried’ so many people in need through their charitable efforts.

An example for many

The St. Vincent De Paul Society has flourished under their care and that of others. Their leadership has inspired others to join in the pursuit of a better world, and their infectious enthusiasm has turned moments of despair into glimmers of hope. Through their example, they have shown us that every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the potential to ripple out and touch the lives of many.

Appreciated expressed

Mary and Sarah, as we mark this milestone of service, on this occasion we want you and your families to know that your impact on this community will be felt for generations to come. Your selfless dedication, your boundless heart, and your unyielding spirit have left an indelible mark on everyone in this community.

Sharing their legacy

As we express our deepest gratitude, let us also take this moment to reflect on the power we each hold within ourselves to make a difference. Let us be inspired by Mary and Sarah’s example and strive to embody the values they have so beautifully demonstrated.

Congratulations and Blessings

May your path ahead be filled with joy, fulfilment, and the knowledge that you have touched countless lives with your love.

Thank you, Mary and Sarah, for being at the heart of St. Senan’s St. Vincent De Paul Society.

May we continue to walk in your footsteps, carrying forward the torch of compassion and service.

As the reading from St. Paul today says “May God, our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ send you grace and peace”.

Blessings and gratitude to you, now and always.

