Update on New Ministries  

New Ministries – an exciting new initiative in the diocese

Just updating on the work planned to eventually integrate the 25 New Ministries people into the work and life of the diocese.  At this point they have completed the second year and the plan was that they would be ready after one more year.  However, with the challenges of the past few months, progress has been slowed down somewhat.

Summer Course in CTU to help leaders assist with integration

A Summer course on line from CTU in Chicago is being embarked on by Maureen Kelly, Maranna Quinlivan, Ger Nash, Tom Hogan, Albert McDonnell, Joanne O’Brien and myself to do some learning, to experience what is being said from the theological point of view about pastoral development, to get ideas on how we might profitably become part of the diocese.  It’s a four week course and we will have it all solved at the end of that…!!!

Update at the end of Year Two

The 25 candidates, 12 Catachesis, 13 Pastoral Care have done fantastic work, have been working away diligently but like most aspects of life took a battering with the onset of the virus.  This has not so much affected the theoretical and academic and spiritual training but it has severely limited the practical, placement or pastoral element of things.  They finished their second year of preparation with a directed retreat from Conal O’Cuinn and a team of helpers, all done via video conferencing.

Some great work has been done by the organisers, facilitators, MIC and most of all the candidates themselves and much good work, training and planning is yet to be done.

Looking towards the future

In a few years time the ratio of New Ministries will almost be on a par with the number of active clergy in the diocese so they will no doubt assume a very important role in the evangelical life of the diocese.  I look forward to the great initiative reaching a high level of potential and the many opportunities that will arise from it.

Bishop Fintan