World Priest Global Rosary Relay  

Global Rosary Relay from Ennis Cathedral on Friday, June 19th at 2.30 pm. Welcome to join us!

@worldpriest @KillaloeDiocese #FeastofSacredHeart #Prayer #Faith #hope

At 6 p.m. on 19 June, as part of the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay Day for the Sanctification of Priests 2020, a wonderful joint initiative will take place between Worldpriest Global Apostolate and Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages, which has been bringing pilgrims on spiritual journeys to the universal church since 2008. Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages developed from Inside the Vatican Magazine, founded in 1993. Currently, Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages is hosting virtual pilgrimages to holy places, introducing the faithful to the ‘living stones’ around the world
This initiative will take the form of a virtual Rosary at 6 p.m. local Rome time, for the intentions of Pope Francis. Everyone around the world – regardless of their location – will be very welcome to join in this important prayer gift to His Holiness at the appointed time.  However, all participants will need to register by simply clicking on the link provided below.
This virtual Rosary for Pope Francis’s intentions will make use of Zoom technology. It will open at 17.40 hours, when a video promotion of the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests 2020 will be shown and will be followed by a slide show selection of photographs from various Global Rosary Relay prayer locations from around the world, before the prayers begin at 18.00 hours, concluding at 18.30 hours.
This special Rosary will include a welcome and introduction by Father James Phalan CSC, along with individual meditations, which have been specially written for the occasion by Father Phalan, who is National Director of Family Rosary in the United States – a part of Holy Cross Family Ministries, which is an important partner of Worldpriest Global Apostolate.  
Father Phalan will open this special Rosary prayer event, stating where in the world the Global Rosary Relay will travel after the thirty-minute slot in Rome. He will also announce the allocated mysteries of the Rosary to be prayed for the Pope’s intentions and will provide a special prayerful reflection on each decade, which will be prayed in turn by each member of the Worldpriest team.
The following people will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries in the following order, with guided meditations for each decade by Father James Phalan CSC:
• First Sorrowful Mystery  – The Agony in the Garden – Marion Mulhall Worldpriest Founder
• Second Sorrowful Mystery ­– The Scourging at the Pillar – Niall M. Kennedy Worldpriest Chairman
• Third Sorrowful Mystery – The Crowning of Thorns – Dermot Mannion – Worldpriesrt Global Rosary Relay International Associate
• Fourth Sorrowful Mystery – The Carrying of the Cross – Anne Brady – Worldpriest Director
• Fifth Sorrowful Mystery – The Crucifixion – Colm Flynn – Worldpriest Director 
(A recording of the Virtual Rosary will be available on YouTube later) Register here
To register, just click on the link provided here . You can register now or just before the time of prayer on 19 June.  If you have any questions
Please Contact
Marion Mulhall